Sunday, November 11, 2007

Jackson and Jesus

Just a quick sweet thing I want published so I'll always remember:

Tonight on the way home from dinner with my parents and Jeff, we were asking Jackson about our home. Then the conversation went something like this:

Jeff: where does Jackson live?
Jackson: da ch-ur-ich
Jeff: where does Daddy live?
Jackson: ad da ch-ur-ich
Jeff: where does Mommy live?
Jackson: ad da ch-ur-ich
Jeff: so, where does Jesus live?
Jackson: em meee!

When we thought for certain that he'd just say the "ch-ur-ich" again, he made me realize that there is just something more special than we know about the verse in Luke where Jesus says let the children come to me and to have faith like that of the children! I don't think for a second that he truly understands, but man, it delights my heart that he gets it even that much!

I love it!


Unknown said...

i LOVE my family!!!

Hannah E. said...

That is really precious!

Angel said...

thanks for shaing such a great moment.