Saturday, January 6, 2007

Crazy things

Many crazy things have happened in the last week and for some reason every time I sit down to post, something else happens and I get distracted and never get around to doing I will try to rememeber and post them all right now as I FINALLY got both kids down for a nap...we've been trying now for an hour.

Two nights in a row while we were in Enid Creighton slept like 7 1/2 hours which was so amazing...then for some reason now that we are in our own home, she has suddenly forgotten how to sleep....she is taking forever to go to sleep at night at in she screams bloody murder like her brother did for hours on end with NOTHING to satisfy her...then once she falls asleep she only is sleeping for 2.5-3.5 hours at a time....until finally around the time she wakes up again at 6 or 7ish...i bring her to bed with me and then of course, she'll sleep fine until like 10 or 11. She is a nut! We can't figure out what is wrong with her at night. Jeff thinks she just doesn't like being away from us...but I don't know how she knows the difference so young,....I think either 1) she has colic (just not as bad as Jackson) 2) she hates her bed or her room one or 3) something I am eating in the day bothers her and hurts her tummy and I don't know what else to take out of my diet!

Jackson has had 3 amazing nights, however! He is sleeping till almost 10 for 3 or 4 days in a row and it is a beautiful thing! Somehow by the grace of God he sleeps through her crying...and I don't know how because it is ear piercing to me. Jeff actually said that last night she went ballistic for a long time and finally he did wake up but Jeff just held him for a few minutes and he fell back asleep.

Another funny Jackson story: a few nights ago we were eating dinner and Jackson got in trouble for throwing food and so he had to sit in his crib (lights on door open) till we were finished eating. So like 10 minutes go by and Jeff and I are finishing up and still sitting at the table talking and in walks Jackson binky in mouth totally nonchalantly and just walks right by us and to the other side of the kitchen. Jeff and I died was so funny. He thankfully hasn't tried it again--but he hasn't been in his crib for punishment since then either. Which is another blessing.....he and I have had lots of fun together the last few days. He is back to normal some! He is taking good naps...still 2 a day...which at this point I like. HE is finally eating again....he didn't eat but one full meal the entire holiday week we were gone because so many snacks were constantly given to him...ugh! But I haven't given him many if any snacks at all and he is eating great! YEah! Also, we are back to no blanky and no binky during the day and the first 2 days were rough, but now he is great with it,..he only gets it in his crib at nap/bed time and he's done superb with it. :) Happy mom!

Yesterday he swang on the big swing all by himself for the first time....we've tried before in the past and he wouldn't hold on and would always fall off...he loved it this time! He is growing up so big! His Dr. appt (which is a long saga story in itself) he weighed 27.5 pounds....he is a THICK boy...and so heavy to carry!

I was thinking about my eating thing though and the Lord kinda showed me a fun analogy with sin. I made enchilada casserole *which is SO SO good* and I wasn't going to eat it because it has lots of things in there I am not suppose to eat...but then the last minute I was I am going to eat it...I want it really bad and it will taste so I did it. I tried to pump most of the day yesterday and give her other pumped milk but a few times I had to nurse good as the food so wasn't worth it in the end when she'd scream her crazy head off for hours (although now Jeff says she does it every night no matter what--but that defeats the analogy, so ignore that for now :)). kinda like smells good, tastes good, feels good...whatever it does it seems so great at the time...but then when you have to deal with the consequences it stinks...and they always last longer than the flavor of one meal....anyway....i like it when he reveals little things like that to me....

Well, Jackson is back up and crying....I guess he just didn't want to sleep this morning! Oh least I got a post in. Have a good day

1 comment:

Maria said...

You have to love sleep! As for the crying, my midwife told me that because the baby was so close to you in the womb, that s/he feels comforted being close to someone while sleeping. She actually encouraged me to bring the baby to bed with me, especially early on. Now, The Boy sleeps half the night in his crib and half the night with me (usually). Of course, some of that is because we both fall asleep while he is nursing. LOL! My opinion -- do whatever works!