Thursday, November 15, 2007

A little bit of chaos...

Well, yesterday was quite the day...I spent the morning/early afternoon sans kids which was nice, but I had a lot to get done so it wasn't relaxing or anything, but rather productive, which was a good feeling. I had to go to Walmart and I actually didn't go crazy and I stuck to my list! That is such a good thing for me because I often get caught up in being Madame Blueberry. I came home and started to make homemade Minestrone soup! I love it and its good for you. Jeff is trying to lose weight (and SO.AM.I!) So that is a good way to start. I cleaned my kids' rooms and did one load of laundry (with the need to do like 9 more).

Jeff did go get the kids for me so I could get in a few minutes to relax and that was really great! I snuck in a few minute nap (rest), and then they were home. They had a good day at school, which is always nice to hear. Then for some reason when they got home they decided to go a little haywire! I didn't know what was into them, but it was crazy. (although I know now).

Jeff left to go to work because things were a little crazy up there for their special Nikao night where they were doing Vespers. (it ended up going well!) The second he left, the chaos increased ten-fold by the minute. Creighton was incredibly needy and wanted to nurse constantly and Jackson began whining and crying and acting very odd. I was about to lose it. He was then just crying and holding his ears and crying and screaming and crying some more and yet every time I tried to console him, cuddle him, Creighton would FREAK OUT! IT was awful...I can't imagine having three, or four, or six to deal with at the same time!

His ear was turning bright red and getting very hot, and I don't know why but it made me panic and by this time it was after 5 WHY.DO.THEY.ONLY.GET.SICK.AFTER.5PM? so I desperately tried to get them (both screaming at this point) into the car to go to the afterhours clinic. I did finally get them in and we left and the clinic was big deal, there are 2 more. Well, I went to the one and Creighton was asleep in the car now, so I checked in and said I'd be right back and was leaving to go take her to the nursery at the church, now that it was after 6 and there were sitters there. (who needs to have 2 babies with all the sickies by myself when there is a church nursery?) So, I drive all the way to the church and drop her off...whew....and then remember that there is another Afterhours clinic that doesn't charge anything more than the co-pay and I check to see if they are busy. THey aren't so I end up staying there with him there (and I never went back to tell the other one we weren't coming back).

Anyway, it was almost torturous for the Jackson to be there at this point and he is acting like someone is slowly killing him. Looking in this kids ears is just a ridiculous proceedure. He is awful. He freaks out and now he knows its coming long before it happens and he gets himself VERY worked up. I was thankful that he didn't look in his throat this time, thinking it would save us a trip similar to past vomitting experiences. He has a double ear infection, poor kid! But we are good to go within a matter of moments and all is well. He is calming down from the ear torture and cuddling with me. He wants to go to the church to see his Daddy and so off we go (with a mid stop to the pharmacy)...

or so I think...

As soon as I get the kid in the car, all 5 point harnessed in and start driving, no sooner than I get to the parking lot exit as he starts the vomitting process. I feel helpless, it looks horribly painful and awful. I pull over get out, start to dry-heave myself from the grossness of it all. I try my best to clean him up, but give up completely because he can't (and doesn't) stop puking everywhere all over the car, himself, his seat, me, his ever beloved blanky and binky, and its everywhere. I feel horrible for him and honestly, for myself too, because I just didn't want to have to deal with it. I hate it that he has such crazy gag reflex. It is such that once he starts gagging he can't stop and its just awful to watch and then more awful to clean up. Did you know that kids (atleast mine) don't really chew their food up well...TMI sorry.

WE come home, strip, shower, put on new clothes, clean up the car, put him in Creighton's seat and grab her old seat, take it to the church (so Jeff can bring her home later), go to the pharmacy, pick up dinner for me (he fell asleep in the car), go back to the pharmacy, head home and eat and then clean up the rest of the car and seat and throw a nice pity party for myself.

Jeff finally got home, not knowing ANY thing of what had occurred and I am more wiped out that I can attest to (thank heavens I hadn't had the kids all day or I might not have made it through the evening/night).

Jackson didn't sleep well and Creighton was up early. We went to the YMCA twice today though because I wanted to go back to my TurboKick class that I really like (today was my second day)...and then tonight...Jackson wanted to go swimming...and I am idiot and I don't know how I forgot all of the above madness and agreed to let him go....until he got in the water and started holding his I an idiot or what? Anyway, I have been waiting to get on the computer for forever so I could blog....

I am exhausted and was ready for bed a long time ago....but I had to blog.

Heres to SPRING, please hurry!

1 comment:

Lori said...

Bless your heart! I am worn out from just reading all of that! My Emma Kate has the same outfit that C has on in your header picture...isn't just the cutest thing?