Monday, March 3, 2008

He's listening...

Oh praise the Lord! Jackson is finally catching on...and so quickly. His vocabulary and comprehension has grown exponentially on a minute to minute basis over the last few weeks. He is so aware of just about everything that comes out of Jeff and I's mouths--and everyone else's for that matter. He watches everything and hardly misses a thing. He listens to everything and definitely doesn't miss a thing! Its amazing how far he's come in so little time.

He has gotten SOO much better with his colors and uses them daily now and about 95% correct...there are a few he doesn't get right at times, but its usually when it isn't the BRIGHT BRILLIANT shade of that color that we use to teach with....and/or when they are alike...his grandfather and his father both are very color blind and I am a little worried about this with him, but we'll see. He is singing his ABC's and other songs now and doing so well with them. His counting is still off: won, too, for, fife, seven, for, ate, too, tin :)

I have been pretty consistent with him about his manners and wowwhee it is paying off. Today on several occasions he said with the sweetest tone please and thank you and sorry and excuse me and I love you and it just about makes me melt...because I don't have to prompt him anymore...he just does it! It is a glorious and beautiful thing! Last night we went to dinner at Luigi's and it was really good by the way, but when the waitress brought Jackson his food he looked up with hesitation and said, "thanks so much" then shined his amazing smile and I couldn't have been more proud of him and grateful for such a sweet boy!

He is a lover and a cuddler (when he slows down enough to be, because he is certainly still ALL boy)...but I love this about him. He is so sweet...with words, with actions, with thoughts...its amazing how someone so small and so young can understand enough to be this way...I love his innocence!

He is cracking us up these days with lots of funny phrases and sayings. He tells me I am pretty almost everyday and he always says "mommy pretty like _____" (ariel, belle, cinderella, etc) He loves his princesses right now and Aidan asked why he liked princesses so much and I just said because he thinks they are pretty...:)

He is incredibly helpful around the house now and for the most part will do what we say (even though sometimes we have to begin to count to three...) He is thoughtful in that on occasion he'll go get diapers for both of the kids (in separate locations) at night time without being asked...that is awesome. He hasn't mastered it yet, but he is getting decent about putting his plate and stuff in the sink and he likes to help with laundry (as does Rae Rae).

He constantly is telling me as we open the garage that "I make shooa Rae Rae no go en da stweet" Then he tells me when I forget to shut the garage door: "Mommy, sshuut the doewer!"

His smile lights up the room anywhere he goes. People are drawn to him. Those blue eyes and that light light hair and that little grin....they just can't resist him and neither can I! I am so in love with my littlest man. He makes my heart jump for joy (at least when I don't have the desire to kill him :)) and I couldn't be a happier mommy!

ps. I edited my photos on my post here and I am quite proud of my little creation


Unknown said...

i taught him that!! :)

The Amazing Trips said...

I'm so glad to hear that he is doing well. The language development / understanding with our kids (especially our son) have EXPLODED in the past six months. Once he turned three ... ZOOM!!! They are like little sponges!

It goes so fast. Enjoy him & love him up!! :)

Dalene said...

It certainly is rewarding when we see the "fruit" of our hard work as moms. He's a keeper!

Marci said...

Sounds like you are doing a great job with Jackson!! It is fun to watch them "show off" what we have taught them at home.

khowze said...

He is so sweet. Glad to hear he is learning colors, that gives me hope for Emma (I wonder if some of that not knowing them is stubborness?). So, cool that he said thank you to the waitress. I didn't hear Aidan ask him that, how cute. She was probably surprised he likes them... she thinks only girls are allowed to like princesses, I really haven't taught her that at all..funny how they pick those things up on their own.

Christy said...

Of course he is adorable and intelligent and polite and all that good stuff... look who his parents are! (: It's so funny that we just can't believe these little people can learn all this stuff. But it's true. Just today Rachel was AMAZED that Forest had learned to put his lips together and blow out bubbles on purpose. I think she spent an hour watching it. Makes me feel not quite so crazy. (:

Anonymous said...

What an adorable young boy. I love that first picture. So cute. Glad that his vocabulary is improving. That's great.

Vickie said...

that is so encouraging to all us moms that consistency pays off. Thanks for sharing that!

Anonymous said...

He is a handsome little guy!

Beth @ The Natural Mommy said...

He's beautiful! :-) And I totally get the language explosion thing. My girl didn't talk until just recently (2 and a half years!). And it just blows me away when she says a new sentence.