Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Random Photo Stop

Today I was visiting with a friend and looked over to find the kids like this!
It was way too cute not to stop my conversation and snap a few pics.  Later they told me it was their spaceship. I loved that they brought their monkeys, pillow pets, pillows, books and blankets into their boxes that they taped together!  PRICELESS for my heart...I love it when they are sweet and getting along...and so creative!
 Charleigh was sleeping in this really uncomfortable looking position...she's still my you boo bear!
 Jeff got back from falls creek and 6 kids got baptized. He was able to be there and be a part of awesome!
 Happy Father's Day to the world's greatest Daddy! Sundays are crazy days for us but we made the most of it!  And Jeff's dad got to be in town to celebrate too, so that was a treat!
 Jeff's dad is opening up a Cherry Berry (which we LOVE) in Enid! They are excited and SO ARE WE! :) We got CB after lunch at Zios (yummy....)
 We got bunk beds and set them up!  Creighton was SO excited to sleep in them!  Jackson is NONE too happy that they are not in his room and that he doesn't get to sleep on the top bunk.  As soon as Charleigh gets out of the crib, we'll unstack them and both the girls will have a twin for awhile and then they'll probably go to Jackson and we'll come up with another plan for the girls...or buy another set...who knows!?
 My baby boy is VERY VERY VERY in to Beyblades right now. He plays them all the time and so does everyone else around here.  His party is Friday and this is the theme!  I can't believe he is turning 6!  He's one awesome little man.  It's amazing to me how fast he is getting so big....and so smart! He's really something!
 It's like 2000 degrees especially in the back with no a/c but he insists on wearing his dragon towel with the hood up/on the WHOLE car ride!  Oh man...I just love you boy!
 The girls were thrilled with the fact that we were going down a HUGE hill and when Creighton raised her arms, Charleigh's were no more than a second behind, both yelling "whhheeeeeee" it was pretty much awesome....and yes, I was driving and taking a picture, but I was safe :)
oh so random, oh so fun.  i love my kids and my family!

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