Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Ladies Nite Out/Lock-in

I wanted to post last night (when I got home from a fabulous ladies night out) while I was pumping, but mid-pump Creighton woke up so I had to stop so I could go feed her. I pumped 6.5 ounces and then was still able to feed her a full feeding. It was nice. I could tell when we were out eating/talking though that I was filling up cos they hurt so I knew I had to be pretty full. :) Sorry for talking so much about pumping.

Anyway, 6 of us went to McAlisters and it was FABBBBULOUS! I had such a great time. It is so refreshing and renewing especially after a LONG week of being trapped inside with little ones. It was nice to hear about life, kids, no kids, politics, science, how great Redeemer Covenant mother's day out is, history, how stupid Courtney Berg really is....OUIJA (weegee) enough said! I had a huge potato covered with carrots and roast beef and gravy (but to be honest I was still hungry but I survived). And I knew I'd need it so I got a huge SWEET ICED TEA that was delicious in every way! There is just something about sweet tea that energizes the body in a different way than just the caffeine. Anyway, it was great to laugh and think and talk and eat and just be out of the house. I loved every minute of it.

The even better part was I was dreading going home because we were having a lot of sophomores over to have a sleepover (co-ed) and therefore that requires me to be up and awake and "playful" and none of those things I wanted to be from 10p-10a...but it was actually fun....and Jeff had the kids both down when I got home a little after 10 (although Creighton woke up it wasn't too bad getting her back to sleep). The hard part was done because I didn't want to have to be all of those things with being a mom at the same time, but since he did all the parenting part (and had the youth there from 7-10) without me while I was gone (and I was being refueled while I was gone) it was not bad. (I must say I was quite impressed by him)

We played Scattergories which I dominated! I love that game and no one ever wants to play it with me. Then we played Balderdash, which again I dominated! That might not be sucha good though because that means I am a good liar or bs-er, one.... Oh well, I love winning...I am way too competitive I know...but I love it:). Then of course they played the wii and did some crazy other silly things.

I had fun and I got to go to bed at 3 and I pulled Creighton in with me so I didn't have to wake everyone up to nurse her and such and we both slept fairly well. I was really tired. But unfortunately Jackson woke up at 6 and Jeff couldn't get him to go to sleep so he had to come get me and it took awhile so I don't know what his deal was...then I went to nurse her and we both went back to sleep from 7-10. So I got like 6 hours in total just interrupted for about an hour in the middle.

This morning Jeff had gotten up with Jackson a few times between 7 and 9, but finally got up up at 9 with him and started making breakfast for everybody...pancakes and eggs and all. He is quite amazing :) Jackson had breakfast and was in good spirits when I got out of my room from waking up and feeding Creighton. The two girls had left and so it was all only boys left and they played the wii and helped clean up and then they left about 12. Jeff then did most of the rest of the cleaning by himself...I tried to help between getting Jax down for a nap adn nursing Creighton and pumping. Again, he is such a great husband....Now, with pretty much no sleep he had to go into work for meetings and such--poor guy.

I just look outside and it is snowing like mad! I didn't think we were suppose to get anymore weather right now....I hope it doesn't make the roads too much worse. They didn't have school today and now they might not have school tomorrow either. They haven't been to school all week...crazy.

I also found out that a lot more people are reading my blog than I imagined or thought...which is scary (what have I written?!? ;)) but really makes writing even more fun! Hi Darci, Erin, Amy, Hannah, Maria, Kara....those are the ones I know of....who else reads this...leave comments...comments are fun!

Jackson just woke up..gotta run...will return


khowze said...

It never occured to me to leave a might regret telling me to do so. I always read with a dialogue in my head, so now you will get to hear my part. Okay, so on today's...yes it was fun last night (do you think we could get away with doing it twice a month?? yeah,right!). Also, glad you have fun when you got home last night too--I like scattergories, never played balderdash, but I have heard it's fun. I am tired of snow!!

Maria said...

Hey there! I'm glad you were able to get out of the house! How great is that??? I felt like I was in heaven getting my hair done last week. Three hours of uninterrupted me time!

Now if I could just get more dedicated to pumping. Maybe I need some tips?

Unknown said...

Couple of things...

1)She did not dominate in Scategories, she won by half a point (and that was only because I was hornswaggled out of like 15 points for my incredible book title: Large Lions Licking Lollypops while visiting Liverpool and London with Lots and Lots and Lots and Lots of Love)

2)I got up with Jackson at 6am not 7am!!

3)Jack Bauer wears Jeff Berg pajamas…