Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Another Round of Antibiodics

Well, we are back from the doctor's office...and the Pharmacy...suprise, suprise.?!

Jackson and Creighton both need to be on Claritin for allergies...Creighton worse than Jackson and she also has to have expensive drops in her eyes twice a day everyday and she has a double ear infection which also has an antibiodic! Oh yeah, and Jackson has to have drops in his ears 3/week in each ear because he has excessive wax build up and she can NEVER see in his ears without digging to China first...which causes for some serious issues in my little (huge) 2 year olds world. It took all 3 of us to hold him down today on the table just to look in(and cleanout first) his ears. (I had Jeff go with me because I knew I'd never be able to do both of htem at the same time together with just me).

Anyway, nothing serious, which is good, but bummed that we had to pay $50 in co-pay (seriously, could she not have waived one of them?) and $50 in Rx. Oh well. She said she didn't need to see Jackson back until he turns 3. Um...I sure hope that happens, but I know that it probably won't. Our track record has us in the Dr. office atleast once every other month with him, and now with 2 kids I am in atleast 2 times a month almost. I would understand if my kids were sick, like really sick, or mentally handicapped or something "wrong," but on the health questionnaires, I am proud to write healthy on both of theirs...however our history in and out of the dr offices would deem otherwise.

Oh yeah, Jackson has had a heart murmor since birth that she likes to "watch"...but at his 2 year checkup, she said it was getting fainter sounding, so I am assuming that is good. That is about as serious or problems get, and for that I am VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY thankful!

Creighton: 17 pounds, 12 ounces (more than I thought she weighed) and 29 inches (LONG!)
Jackson: 32 pounds, 1 ounce, unofficial weight because he had clothes on and shoes and a diaper...but he wanted to be weighed like his sister!

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