Sunday, July 1, 2007

Rain Rain GO AWAY

Havent' posted in a few days...been crazy. We are at my mom's but we were suppose to be in Texas for the past few days and still suppose to have been there through the 4th, but Marble Falls, TX got 19.5 inches of rain and the town shut down because all of the water was contaminated! Well, now that has happened in Bartlesville too...I don't think our town has shut down, and our water is now up and running fine (last I heard), but there are lots of friends and family that are stranded from their homes due to water and more water is coming. They are releasing the dams and it is suppose to be 8 feet above flood level!!!! So scary! Our house is pretty high up in the town and neighborhood, so I think we are okay, but man, we certainly dont' have flood insurance if anything crazy happened!
I am so tired of all the rain! I bet there are lots of people that have said that here recently. Its crazy because when it does stop it is so humid you can cut the thick air with a knife! UGH!
Anyway, I think that it is raining as we speak in Bville, but it is nice in OWasso. I hope everything is fine when we get home.

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