Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Looks aren't everything

I found this box at Wal-Mart and thought it'd be a fun thing that Jackson would love to eat and do, and that we could do it together! He loves helping me in the kitchen and so I thought this would be something doable for him.
So, we make them (4) and I notice that they look a bit different than the box picture of what they are suppose to look like.

They looked a little bit better than this picture when they first were made, but after a few hours in the refigerator, it does disasterous things to these little jello cups. I realize it is hard to see what it looks like at all, but that is precisely my point...

*I must say that Jackson and I both had one immediately after they were finished and both of us really liked them! (atleast they tasted decent and they were fun to make)

But the reason I am posting this is it got me thinking...(I know I have said this before, but be patient with me because I am terrible at telling stories/writing)...

I think this is the way it is a lot in life (if not always). We have so many things presented to us with pictures that ALWAYS look better than they do in reality...working with teens, this is very evident in their world...advertising specifically markets to these guys/gals constantly with a fake picture of :fun, sexy, hilarious, exciting, thrilling, good to eat, greatness, popular, etc., etc., but in reality, once you get the "product" it never really turns out that never looks the same, feels the same, tastes the same, smells the same...whatever it is, it's just never as good. I hate that. Like when you see a commercial on TV of a meal and it looks fabulous and then you go and order it and it's like..."that is NOT what I just saw...I want mine to look like that"....I am sure that you are all aware of what I am talking about.

God showed me through this that His plan is like that too (but a bit different ending): we have all these artist and preachers and teachers and philosophers and prophets and John telling us what Heaven and what God will be like...and the picture they paint for us its still not what we are going to get, only the difference here is, it will be better. Better than any drawing of Christ I EVER saw as a child, He will be bigger, more beautiful, better...Better than any imagination of what Heaven will be like that I have heard, it will be more beautiful, more astonishing, more powerful, more glory...more more won't be dissapointing, like so many things in this life. It isn't setting us up for failure, but for freedom and power and glory and beauty like we've never known.

I don't know if that excites you like it did me, but I am just tired of the pictures being beyond what everyone has to offer here on earth...I am excited that one day, I won't only not be let down, but I will be impressed and surprised and it will be awesome.

So, next time you see something that "looks" so good and then it ends up not...just remember, one'll even be better! Glory to God


Angel said...

WOW! Your wise words are so true. Thank God for people like you, who can make a point clearly.
So, are you going to get the easy bake things again? the one on the box sure looked yummy.

Courtney said...

Hey angel! I only published one of yours since I am sure that you only wrote the second one because you thought the first one didn't the blog post below this one and it'll explain it...sorry...but thanks for the comment.

Mama B said...

This gave me so many memories... but you know it seems since I have a 2 year that just HAS to help me... my food has never looked as good as it did before. I wonder what happened? LOL!

Unknown said...

I .love. EVERYTHING about you!!