Every night for over a year I sang to Jackson each night. He ALWAYS wanted 'Jesus Loves Me' until here recently. Now he wants a NEW song each night (sometimes more than one new song). This is exciting and I love that he wants to learn/hear new songs, but my brain is cutting out on me by that hour of the day and I have a hard time remembering songs on the spot (and their words for that matter).
Well tonight was no different. I tried several songs...ALL of which apparently he has heard. So I dug deep deep into my Southern Baptist background and came up with 'I Exalt Thee'...of which I only sang: I
exalllllllt thee, I
exallllllllt thee, I
exxxxaaaaallllllllllult thee O Lord.
As I am singing he tries to sing with me. He tells me he wants me to sing it again, and then again. I tell him it's easy to remember the words, because it's only: I exalt thee
Then he tells me that is the funniest song he has ever heard. I am not following here at all at first. Then he says: Mom I don't like my eggs salty.
I just about died as I tried
SOOOO hard not to laugh at him. It was so darn cute. So innocent. So awesome.
Then he said he didn't like them '
wiff shuger eeder'
How precious is that....?
I egg salty!.... Oh Lord :)