So, we're home! We officially (totally still unofficially) have 3 kids. Today was my first day at home, but I was blessed by Mother's Day out today for the older two. Charleigh and I stayed at home and I attempted to organize/pick up my disasterous home.
I cannot tell you just to the extent of how much we have been blessed! It's beyond measure really. I mean of course, just in Charleigh herself, but so many people have stepped up and cared for us in so many ways: material things for Charleigh, financially even, meals galore in line for our whole family, and just tons of prayer and love! I feel so connected to my Savior and feel like He is being so glorified by his people in this!! The Church is being the's so good. It's just amazing.
If you have been a part, whether small or large, in helping us in any way, thank you! From the bottom of my heart, my praise goes to my King, my thanks goes to my King...and to you all who are being the hands and feet of Christ.
We are in love with our littlest baby girl. She is a great baby, although we do need to work on her sleeping in the night, instead of ALL day long ;) We'll get there. She's just precious. Such a joy.
She most definitely has a purpose in this world and I cannot wait to find out just what the Lord has in store for us with her, for His Kingdom with her....I just can't even put parameters on it.
She has a story...a long one and I will share it in bits and pieces. I am one exhausted mommy tonight though and MUST go to bed while she is sleeping....
The kids ADORE her.
But this shirt that my sweet friend Kara got her says it all:
Oh precious girl, we thankful for you!

Charleigh is BEAUTIFUL. These pictures brought tears to my eyes. I am SO happy for your family!
BEAUTIFUL!! I am looking at Charleigh's hand in that last picture and I see a basketball hand. . .I mean look at those fingers!! LOL
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