This is when my mom and dad took them to the Easter Zoobilee at the Tulsa Zoo. On Saturday.
Jackson LOVES big furry (scary) mascots/animals.... Creighton won't come near them!
However, Creighton is fearless with REAL animals. She LOVES all animals. See Jackson much more concerned with a friend stranger . I am not certain which is more scary as a mom: a daughter who is fearless with real animals, no matter their size; or a son who is fearless with big masked 'things' with Lord knows who underneath--ah yes, and they are both preschoolers!?
Back to zoo and Easter, sorry.
My kids beg me to ride the carousel every time we go to the zoo. I NEVER have let them. It was free this day! We'll see how our return trips go now (I am afraid the begging will never cease)
Then they went that afternoon to a church celebration with my mom and dad and aunt and uncle!
Again, Jax and the big thing...all smiles!
They had to wait and wait and wait to go egg hunting. As you can see my not innocent doesn't ever abide by rules or ropes or boundaries! She will be my wild child that will always keep us on our knees! (oh God, help me!)
Jackson was hamming it up while waiting. They made them wait for over 30 minutes...4 year old and under...what they were thinking I am not sure?
Finally got to hunt! Jackson was way more into it than Creighton!
sweet boy
relatively scary but hilarious photo. I think the sun was in his eyes ?
Friday Jeff's Mom and Philip came in town and we did an egg hunt inside the Nikao building at the church because it was TOO cold and wet out.
Jackson was like a bull coming out of the gates.
Creighton was cute as could be but not into it nearly as much as Jackson until it came time to count them...then she was sad because she had one less. Competitiveness runs through all of our blood. It's not necessarily a good thing.
This was the cake I made for Easter this year. The kids decorated the 'thieves' crosses.
I chose a bundt so when you cut pieces it would be like the tomb...however, not quite empty here, but it didn't take long...the cake was good :)
Yeah, that was one busy weekend. It was fun. I am so thankful for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Thank you for being willing to sacrifice for me. I don't deserve it, couldn't ever repay you, or earn it, and everyday make you go through it all again with my sin, and'd do it again. Just for me. That is why I love you, why I serve you. Why I seek you with all my heart. Why I have faith, and belief in a living God, the only Way, the only Truth, the only Life.
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