Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Charleigh Learned to Swim

I was so excited that my friends Molly and Blake were moving back to Tulsa after being away since college with Blake in med school/residency. They are back now and I'll forever be grateful for them as godly friends, brothers and sisters in Christ, and heart for adoption. They played a huge role in us finding Crisis Pregnancy Outreach and also in my part of the adoption journey. So I LOVE that a special event in Charleigh's life happened here at a playdate with their four adopted loves!

 I love that their kids are all so close in age to ours! All of our kids are within weeks of each other, except they have 4! :) They all had a great time swimming.

But Charleigh learned (and did it several times) to swim without floaties here in this very pool. She was fearless and brave. I only have video and no actual pictures because I was scared half to death to let her do I was very near the whole time.  But she was so cute and the video is precious. Thanks Molly

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