I rarely ever am creative, but today I decided to try. I had an idea in my head to make a Christmas tree out of Pinwheels. I tried
this recipe and
this one too. I made one in green tortillas and one in red tortillas and I "shaped" them into a tree. I am just sad I didn't get a picture. I do think Caroline got one though, so hopefully she'll get me a copy :) Either way they were quite good and I was impressed with my idea for my tree
We had our 1st ever Apples of Gold Christmas party. It was quite fun although I certainly wish more people could have shown up for it, but I know so many things are constantly going on throughout the entire month of December!
Good friends, great food, great fellowship...gotta love it. I was needing a refresher night today too! So that was double helpful!
I've heard a lot of positives about apples of gold!
I'm glad you got a refresher. I did too. I sat in the audience of a school play laughing my head off at my completely loony-tunes child.
THAT is "relaxing."
Wish I could have been there. I am so proud of you for creating your tree--I am sure that it was beautiful--and tasty!
I was in the audience with Dalene also laughing at my children, or really, at Elizabeth--that child...Although I was super impressed with Rhian. You should have seen her--she has great stage presence, even if she did mess up her solo...I almost cried out of pride...
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