Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Poor Baby

Charleigh had a fight with the tile floor (specifically the edge where it meets the wood) and the floor definitely won.  It was SO sad.  She cried for awhile but mostly because I was trying to put ice on it.  I think had I just stopped trying she wouldn't have cried nearly as long. She's SO tough!

 This was the next morning...
and then later that morning nearly swollen shut. Thankfully the swelling went down dramatically by the end of the day and the colors of the rainbow started appearing.  I knew it meant it was healing, but it made it look even worse. I thought I had a new picture of it today because it is now in the classic "black eye" stage.  No swelling, just pretty purple underneath.  The scratches on the side are healing great and the major scabbing is over.

I just felt terrible for her.  She looked miserable, but really I don't think it affected her too much.  She couldn't see herself and I think that helped. She never really messed with it too much either.

She's one tough cookie!

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