Wednesday, April 4, 2007


Well I do believe that single mothers are now my hero...especially if they are single when their kids are babies...I don't know how on earth they do it...except for maybe because they are at work all day and only with their kids for the evening/night and so it makes it seem "better" because they cherish the time they do get with their kids. I am exhausted...beyond exhausted and I hate it that I am because I always am so irrational when I am tired. My body requires like 10 hours of sleep to function...lets see...that happens NEVER when you are a new momma...and so I am sort of just in a crazy state of tiredness and mentally retarded at all times right now. I can't wait for Jeff's sake, my sake and the kids sake for JEff to be finished with his will be so nice to actually have a husband and a daddy again. Seriously I don't know how he is surviving sleep and working or writing or reading all the time...till 3-4 in the morning for consistantly 4 days straight...and tomorrow he is reading/writing ALL day from like 9a-midnight trying to get finished up...he has so much due all at the same time....its ridiculous that it is all due on Easter weekend...when everyone is in ministry and the school is a christian university...ugh! Why don't they think through things like that!?
Jackson has begun to notice my deep stress/tired state and has begun to be a "terrible two" a little early. Of course, after I posted he was doing so great in his bed, he has now begun to test me like never before....yesterday I got tired of spanking him so I gave up....I didn't have it in me...he apparently didn't need the nap EVEN THOUGH I DID...He is testing me so much with his whining too...oh...I hate whining...I know some of you are like "well, listen to yourself, woman..." but atleast you don't have to read this, or HEAR just hurts my ears...and God love him, he is a persistent kid...he does NOT give up. Later in life, this will be seen as a super asset and character quality for him, but right now, ugh! I just want to put duck tape on his mouth sometimes...I just wish he could TELL ME what in the world he is so frustrating to both of us.
Anyway, sorry for my rantings and complaining and whining...
I am thankful for Our Lord and Savior Jesus and that He is so selfless to have come to die on a cross for us. What an amazing God we serve!
I know that I have no room to complain like do and I am really so me I do KNOW this...I just have to remind myself...alot when I am tired.

1 comment:

Amy said...

There is something about little boys that screams, "I am gonna test you!" Liam loves to look at me as he is being naughty to see what I will say... so is life. The whinning will get better (but wait until your little gal is older... I think that girls are naturals in that category!) Hang in there... You are not alone!
Love ya!