Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Scattered Honesty

I "read" the Bible online this morning before I went off to VBS and it was good, however, I still didn't have an amazing day, which is fine, it isn't like a bad day ward off just for reading...but it was funny, because the Lord is tired of me right now...well not me really but certainly my attitude and I was definitely disciplined and firmly and sternly put in my place...but I must say I haven't fully committed to being where He is leading me and where He wants me, yet...but I will. I know it. I am slowly moving there....It is just hard to hear that my ways, and the ME has to go....oh I am so selfish and lazy and so many other things, and I need desperately to let go of that....to be different, to be like Christ.
I was reading in Colossians and it was so very very fitting...too fitting really for me. I was really slapped with the Word and of course, you know that wasn't what I was expecting or what I wanted to happpen. I was just like testing God almost (hindsight) to see if He'd make my day better because I lazily spent "time" with Him...He wants all of me and I certainly didn't give him that. I am trying to convince myself to spend time with him tomorrow morning before VBS (before the kids get up). I hope I do. I honestly do'nt know if I will or not. But lets say I know I need to and I know it is my goal.
Well, there is me, my realness out there, my dirty laundry...but I needed it to be out there, even if noone reads it or cares, I know it is out there and I hope that atleast one of you will hold me accountable verbally or through thoughts and prayers...

My day today has ended on a good note...ladies night out tonight and some serious music therapy have done me well....

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