On Saturday before the dinner though the kids were with us and we went to a birthday party for a friend--she turned 2. It was fun. Jackson was well behaved for the most part and that was really great. He was quite confused/upset that he couldn't play with her new potato head man set though...it was cute. They had cake and ice cream and he had a portion that was WAY TOO Much for him, but it is what they handed him and I never thought he'd eat it all...but he did. It was funny until he had the WORST diaper ever that leaked all over his pants and was RANK! I think it was too much for his little system...opps. Oh well...Creighton was good too and was happy because she got lots of attention from mommies and other babies that were there all wanting to hold her...
We also had one of our old friends come over when they were in town this weekend too. When Jackson and Jonah were little (they are only 15 days apart) they played together (or atleast at the same place and time if not necessarily together) all the time! It was fun to see old friends and watch our "little" big boys play again. They were pretty cute and got a long great.
Tonight Jackson told me he had to poop. It was so funny... He came to get me from the table while he had been playing in his room and I saw that he had already gone so I changed him and left him in his room to continue playing and praised him and stuff for telling me he had dirtied his diaper...but not 4 minutes later he was back in the kitchen and I smelled a horrid smell...and was like did that diaper just reak or did you go again...and he had gone again! I think he wanted to use the potty or atleast it was a start that he was noticing when he needed to go and was telling me...I am not in the least bit of a hurry to get him potty trained though...diapers work for now and I am not wanting to have to deal with public restrooms and accidents yet. But I thought it was funny and a great start for him.
Creighton went for her 4 month check up today and weighed in just under 14 pounds and was almost 26 inches long...she is in the 90th percentile in height but like 50th for weight....skinny girl. Doc said she was looking great and thankfully her ears are much better and she's healthy. She is rolling over both directions now too! Yeah her. She is so strong too. The other day Jeff was holding her on the floor resting in his arms and she SAT UP...she's not suppose to do that yet...but oh well. She can't stay up or for long without folding over in half, but she's funny because she wants to SO bad.
Jeff is out of town this week for the last crazy master's week...he is doing so well though! I am so proud of him.
1 comment:
I miss you family!! But will be home very soon...
Give the kids kisses for me!! And kids give mommy kisses for dad!! :)
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