Sunday, March 25, 2007

I'm alive still

I haven't blogged in what feels like an eternity. It is the craziest thing too because I was with only one kid for the whole week and I got NOTHING in I was so lazy during the day and I stayed up really late most every night and now I am so tired I can't see straight. I am sorta upset with myself for doing that too because there was so much that needed to be done and now I am really behind. Oh well. Creighton and I had some really great time just the two of us because Jeff was really busy this week and so it was just the two of us at home mostly. The first two days I was bored out of my mind and going a bit crazy with the quietness without Jackson, but then I decided it was nice and we enjoyed the quietness a I miss that a bit...haha. I am so strange...I don't like change at all but I seem to adapt to it really quickly and then don't like to change back---Jeff says I am the weirdest person he's met in some areas of life and this is one of them.

Jackson spent the week with Grammy Terrie and Pop and as is the case with any of his grandparents, he returns quite spoiled. We are currently in "detox" from sugar and severe spoiling. Its hard. He is the funniest guy though. He cracks me up about 60% of the day, is the most loving kid about 20% and the other 20% I think I might strangle him...oh to be a toddler with as much energy as he has...He's a bit on the crazy side of life. He got his hair cut while he was gone and he looks rather adorable to me! I love is shorter than we normally get it cut, but I really like it. I think we'll have to start keeping it short. He isn't really talking any more than he was, but he says "NO!" all the time right EVERYTHING....he was saying the cutest drawn out "unhuh" to everything and now it is a bratty sounding No! I will be anxious to hear more words though because I love his sweet voice.

Creighton is rolling over constantly from front to back and back to front both ways each way and she LOVES looking in the mirror. She is quite funny about mirrors...they make her SO happy. There are 3 things that make her the most happy I think (besides milk) 1) Mirrors 2) Hair dryers 3) Sole attention on Creighton. She could be screaming bloodmurder and if I turn on the hair dyer she is happy within seconds adn will be content till it goes off. The other thing is just attention..she loves to talk and babble all day long but she wants you to hear her and see her. SHe loves eye contact and is so cute and happy when she has your fully devoted attention...and it makes me smile to see her we stare at each other and talk to each other A LOT! She is such a sweet baby. I didn't know I coul dlove another human as much as I love Jackson (of course I love JEff too, but that is a different love even than with a child) but I heart has expanded. It is great.

I have many more things to say but I won't bog down this blog with them all. I will try to get back on tomorrow, but I have lots of things I have to get done too, so we'll see. I realized that I hadn't been writing my thankfuls the past few posts...funny that Maria remembered too just recently on her blog! So, I am very thankful for my husband who is so sweet to me adn would do anything in the world to make me happy. He is truly so great and wonderful and I don't deserve him at all!

1 comment:

Maria said...

When I get back to Paynesville, I will post pictures of The Boy. Sheri caught him in the act of rolling over (the only one to witeness it live) on film. He only goes front to back, but he is SO close on back to front. His goofie arm keeps getting in the way. Also-- he REALLY laughed for the first time today! Yeah!!!

I'm glad you were able to spend some quality time with Creighton. I can't wait to see her... and I can't wait to see Jackson's haircut! ;-)