Monday, July 30, 2007


My niece, Sarah, is staying with us for two weeks and I am excited to hang out with her. She is going into the 6th grade which is a great age...still a kid, but a HUGE help to me with the babies. I wish my sister and I got to hang out more. They are leaving, if they haven't already, this morning to go back to Texas. My brother and his girlfriend, Lacy, came in yesterday too to see everyone. It was a pretty boring day as far as the afternoon went, but then we went to the big park in Owasso and played on the set and played Bocce ball (which was way fun!) and then we went to eat at Fuddruckers and then to get snowcones....all of us in 2 HUGE SVUs all crammed in and it was a great time.
At Fuddruckers Jackson pushed the alarm door open and that took forever for the mgr to come turn it off...oh well...that was really the only bad thing that happened and with Jackson and Jacob (Christy's 3 year old) together in ANY setting, that was a miracle. It was fun watching them play together when they weren't trying to kill one another or destroy something . They are both firecracker-wild-all-boy-full-of-energy-non-stop toddler/preschoolers. They definitely kept the party alive and kicking the entire time they were together.
Off to practice, gotta go (19 games, 29 practices to go).

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