Tuesday, July 10, 2007

A MUST read for anyone who might ever nurse, or if you just want a good laugh

http://amazingtrips.blogspot.com/2007/03/breastfeeding-basics.html This is the funniest, yet super informative, nursing/pumping story I have read...

I have tried to tell several people this over internet and that seems to be hard to explain, but I will try for all of you who don't want to shell out a ton of dough for a hands free nursing bra. If you have a sports bra and/or a loose fitting type (non underwire) bra, this will work. You can be handsfree yourself, as I am right at the moment WITHOUT the special bra.

If you haven't ever pumped and/or won't ever pump, you can disregard this information until a later date when you think you might need it or know someone who does....here goes: Pull your sports bra up above your breasts on both sides (as if you were trying to put it on and hadn't pulled it down yet)...then: Sitting in a chair is easiest (atleast until you get the hang of it)
Position the pump on your breast and pull one side of your sports bra (bra) over the top part of the shield with the bottle resting on your leg (a bare leg is much easier than clothing/pants/shorts because it "sticks"). You will have to kind of position the bottle at a slight angle to get it to hold in place. Do the same thing with the opposite breast/pump. Then start the pump and you should be good to go. If you are super engorged or just very large to begin with you might have to adjust some things to get this to work, but it should still work. Just make sure you check to make sure the nipple is in the correct position in the pump after you pull your bra down and start the machine...

If you have a question(s) please don't hesitate to ask me, because unlike the silly lactation consulatants (as mentioned in Jen's post above) I will tell you the truth and try to be helpful, not just a la leche freak. (not that anything is wrong with La Leche League-ers)---they are just a little intense and not always forthcoming with truth for fear you might give your baby formula!


Courtney said...

I don't think enough people read my blog for this to matter, but just in case, I wanted to say that (again) I don't think being in La Leche League is a bad thing or that they are all freaks, but my experience has been that the ones that I have come across personally are all a little over the top on nursing and the fear of formula and they make you feel like a bad mother if you don't nurse. My opinion is this: whatever works for you and your baby and your family and your lifestyle, do it! your baby will be fine and you will be happier in the long run if you just do what you need to, and not what everyone else is telling you should do...that being said, because of all the health benefits for mom and baby (and because it is ridiculously expensive on formula) I do think that all moms should give nursing a try (and by a try, I mean make it past the first 2 weeks of literal breast and mental torture) and then decide. (if you don't know what i meant by the torture, refer to jen's blog link in the post above).

Anonymous said...

I love that you commented on your own blog. I LOVE YOU!

Anonymous said...

My sister said...
"Haha tell her I totally did that with my pump and I've also used my elastic band you wear around your belly when ur pregnat to strap it to my chest!!!! That's another good one to tell her"