Friday, August 31, 2007

One crazy day!

Today was a bit crazy to say the least. It had good moments and horrible ones, but I am quite proud to say that through them all I kept my cool and a decent and non-complaining attitude...that is a big deal in my world! :)

The not so good notes of today:
Jackson has pnemonia, possible strep throat, a throat infection, and an ear infection! AHHHH...we were at the minor emergency care center for 3 hours and after 30 minutes at Walgreens in Bartlesville, I had to meet my wonderful mom half way between Owasso and Bville to get the prescription for him at 11:30 at night (from the Walgreens in Owasso).

Jackson threw up on me once and Jeff once and Creighton threw up on me tonight too and then managed somehow to pass out in it, and then slop it up in my face and IN my eye! EWWW

Ladies Night Out (that I planned) was started at 6:30 and I showed up at 9, had to leave at 9:40 to go the Rx from Walgreens that closed at 10, only to have a major hassle with that, to come back to LNO, to leave early from LNO to go meet my mom in Ramona to get the Rx and to bring it back to Jackson (to have him throw it up immediately all over us).

I plan to call the real doctor tomorrow to see if she wants to see Creighton for the same run of the mill tests and such that we spent 3+ hours doing wiht Jackson at the Immediate Care After Hours....ugh

Good news:
I got a new pair of shoes today that are pretty cute and best of all FREE! The Bville volleyball team got them for me and a cool polo.

My ticket from yesterday---I went back today to practice and on my way noticed the school zone sign that CLEARLY says 8:30-3:30 not 4:00 like the crazy police officer said and wrote me a ticket for after I think I can get out of it! :)

Jeff has tomorrow off...yeah for help with 2 sick kids. He was suppose to take Jax to Enid for the long weekend, and I don't know if that will happen now or not...I kinda doubt it.


Angel said...

i am glad you got to come to ladies night out. and i am so glad you coordinate the whole thing with volleyball, sick kids and all the other stuff you do. superwoman. ( they will fit you for your uniform next week, lol)
so sorry about the kids. i hope you stay healthy. remember phil 4:13.

khowze said...

Angel...what are you doing blogging at 6:55 AM!!!

Courtney, hope you have a better day...I'm proud of your good attitude through the yuck of yesterday!

Becky said...

Sorry about the kids. I did realize you were up last night after I posted to Hannah, but I did not want to make a phone ring in your house in case sick children were sleeping. I guess I just did not hear the phone ring. We had company, and the phone was in my room. Then I had to clean up and so I did not get the message until later. I am praying for your kids. I hope you got them into the doctor. I will try to call in a few minutes when I run to the store.