Monday, August 6, 2007

A very busy weekend

We had a crazy weekend. I am glad it is over...officially as it is now past midnight. I had practice all last week which was tiring, but good. I actually saw improvement, however frustrated I was each day...I need to focus in on that small fact...they are in fact improving. That is all I can ask!

Friday I took Creighton to the doctor for her 9 month checkup. She weighed 18 pounds 4.5 ounces. She was 28 inches long (which was odd, because last time we were in it was 29 inches and I am certain she did NOT shrink...there just isn't a good way to measure a squirmy baby). She did NOT have an ear infection although I am still a skeptic because she is awfully cranky and pulls and tugs constantly still (*and did in the doctors office, too). But she said she was healthy and looked great. She did give me some tylenol with codeine that I used for the first time tonight (and since I just had to go in just now in the middle of my post to nurse her, it doesn't seem to help at all). I hope she outgrows this soon.

We had our garage sale all day Friday and Saturday and so we set up day/night Thursday night so that was crazy exhausting. But good news (great news) is that we made over $700 off of stuff we don't need, weren't using, and/or didn't want. THat is fantastic! So, it was worth it. We (as all garage sales end up I am sure) still have way too much junk left over. But that is okay. We plan to chunk some, sell some on ebay/, and keep the rest. I love getting rid of clutter. I am sure in a few months or so we will have even more things when I can officially get rid of EVERYTHING baby. It is bittersweet...but right this moment I am looking forward to being out of the baby stage...for good. Newborns are awesome but so incredibly tiring.

Jackson got his hair cut by Jeff yesterday and it looked AWFUL! Not because Jeff is/was bad at it, but because Jackson was/is the most ridiculous kid when it comes to getting his hair cut. He looked like a very silly at church this morning and I couldn't stand it so I tried again this afternoon. The first 10 minutes (it seemed like longer) were insane boy again doing everything he could to NOT let me cut it, and me doing everything I could to hold him down and try not to cut his hands, ears and arms off. Then out of nowhere I convinced him to sit still (this was after bribery and everything didn't work the first time with Jeff or myself). So, he sat still and I feel like I did a good job on it...he looked so cute tonight. I spiked it up with gel and he was adorable!

Jeff just got home from capture the flag at the church (which is the ONLY reason I am still up) and they had over 40 kids there! So fun! I am glad that there are lots of kids wanting to do something with youth kids/Jeff instead of making poor decisions.

Sarah was with my parents all weekend and now she is back with us until Friday. I think Jackson is really going to miss her then! I will too. It is amazing what a grown up (kid) she is at 11. I love having her here. Tonight she read Jackson a book and put him to bed...he didn't stay, but she did it all on her own without being asked or anything...:)

Post for pictures later!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for pushing through so often on no sleep, no encouragement, no help, and no guidance... I love you so much!!!