Sunday, August 19, 2007


Church was really good today. I went with an open heart and a willing heart. Its been some time since I went with that kind of heart. Satan was doing everything he could do distract me, and sometimes I was, but for the most part I was really connected to what was going on and listening and trying to apply. It was on prayer and I KNOW that I need more work in that area than most all else in my life, especially my spiritual walk. I am just not a prayer warrior. I don't know why, and to be honest I don't know how I am not...because being a minister's wife and a mommy leaves me little not to be praying for. However, I struggle here, and so I was challenged and enlightened and taught today. The Lord is so good, so gentle and so sweet. I am thankful that He is patient with me on so many things...

Jeff and I had a wonderful weekend together. We didn't do anything spectacular but that in and of itself was spectacular. We didn't spend much money because we just bought a new to us car--an 05 Nissan Altima. It was like almost 80000 miles on it, but that is okay, it is really nice, and it has a/c so that is wonderful and would make ANY car better than what we had in this heat!

Jackson and Creighton did really well at my moms...of COURSE Creighton slept through the night for my mom BOTH nights...and I put her down tonight at 9 and JEff already had to go in just now because she was up screaming! I hate that! It just wears down my soul...the one that was just refreshed feels a month old and I have only had them back for 7 hours. How is that? I feel almost guilty with how much fun I had with JUST Jeff this weekend. We had a blast and spent so much time together and giggled and goofed off and were "free" feeling and it was wonderful. What did we do with all of our time before kids?! It was amazing...I miss it already...but I did miss my kids...don't get me wrong...but they wear. me. out.

We have a busy busy volleyball week: games (away) Monday, (home) Tuesday, (home) Thursday. We are currently 0-2 which stinks because I really really HATE losing, but they are actually (for the most part) (minus one game entirely) much better than I had anticipated them being! They are improving for sure adn that is what matters. I have already decided I am not doing it next year though! I would if I could hire a babysitter and still have money left over from coaching, but as it is I am only making like $80 a month...and we all know that covers just about NOTHING!


Becky said...

Thanks for sharing and being so vulnerable. I guess I can't speak for everyone, but most of us have been there before, both spiritually and with our children. Be encouraged. You are an excellent mom, and people can see Jesus in you! Satan probably wants you to believe differently, but DON'T!!!!! I love you and miss you.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you had a break and a great time with your husband. Sorry it all hit you "as soon as the kids were back"...aahh such temporary freedom. I'm glad the Lord met you where you needed him to and refreshed you on Sunday morning.