Monday, August 27, 2007

Gag reflexes

Both of my kids have incredibly sensitive gag, when they get a cough, it is an awful thing. Please pray for me this week (or next 6-8 weeks according to the doctor) because both of my kids have a nagging cough...and therefore, there is mass vomitting. They are sick, in fact, after they get the mucus up, they are happy as can be and you'd never know they just puked all over me. They are fine and then they cough and I wish I could run for cover, but I can't, I have to take it all...on me...because it is easier to clean me up than them, the carpet, the bedding, the toys and anything else they mighthit on the way out.
We struggled through this with Jackson for what seemed an ETERNITY last winter-spring, and I was hoping Creighton would NOT be the same, but so far as of this morning at 6am, she is the exact same. Jackson's cough isn't nearly as bad, and I am hoping it doesn't get bad....two pukers at once is more than I am confident in handling.
Itis just crazy. They don't act tired or sick or run fevers or anything. Just out of the blue they will get a little tickle in their throat and then bam! its a little crazy for like 30 seconds and its like it never happened to them....(they doh'nt have to clean up...)
I hate it, I really do! My cleaning up after some friends in college after making poor choices was enough for I really have to have TWO kids with this issue!?
Okay, I am done complaining...they are wonderful kids and I am blessed to have them...I am just so tired right now and I should be in bed now anyway...goodnight all!

1 comment:

Angel said...

yuk. you will make it through this. Remember the scripture- I can do all things through Christ who gives me strenth. that is what surviving this time is all about. I will say a prayer.