Thursday, August 2, 2007

Lot of Info

It seems like it had been forever since I have written. My days are long and tiring and very busy. I have really enjoyed having Sarah in town this week. She is a joy and a huge kids love her and she loves them. Jackson wants her to play with him ALL the time and so it is a nice and needed break for me because he'd rather play with her and normally it is me he wants constantly. I think she likes it but gets tired of it too occasionally...who wouldn't at 11? I do at 27 and I am his mom! :) He is getting so grown up though. It is shocking how much his language skills have picked up in such a short amount of time. He still is rather behind compared to some his age, but it is impressive to me where he was just a month ago and where he is now. It is fun learning what certain sounds mean. He says the cutest things...and often! He makes us laugh a lot.

WE are setting up for an impromtu garage sale literally last minute it is unbelievable. We have so much crap stuff it is crazy! I would get rid of more, but my husband is a pack rat. However, I must say I am quite proud of him for letting me get rid of as much as he is. I am so tired of keeping this we NEVER EVER lay eyes on much less actually use. It is so annoying to me. WE have stuff that has never even been out of the boxes...tags still on, and now for a garage sale we have to mark a price that says 29.99 down to barely nothing...ugh! I am such a cheap person and I like to make a lot of money and so garage sales are hard for me. I know I'd never pay any of the prices for any of it...but I guess that is why I am getting rid of it too...but I want to mark it high because I want to make money....oh well.

Creighton took 3 steps today on her own, but Sarah was the only one who saw it. Ugh! I have been waiting and waiting and then of course she does it when I am not around...for the 5 seconds too that I am not around. That girl is so spoiled! I carry her around everywhere...she has me wrapped aroudn her little finger already. I am taking her to the doctor tomorrow for her 9 month well-baby waste of time and money visit. I do though think that she has an ear infection again (for real, God?!) because she is constantly holding and tugging her ear and has been cranky pants for the last 2 days and is getting up several times a night and not napping....oh the signs of ear infections...i haven't even lowered her mattress from the last ear infection yet. If she does have another one I am not sure what she'll have to put her on because it hasn't been a long enough time to give her amox. I am bummed about that. I hope she doesn't have to get tubes--although maybe it'd help the poor little girl *(and her poor mama) sleep sometime this year.

Volleyball is a bit ugly right now because I have so many girls missing practices that if I enforce the rule of no practice, no game, then I don't have enough girls to put on the court. I cancelled practice tomorrow because of Creighton's dr. appt. and also the garage sale.

We are going to Enid next weekend now instead of tomorrow as orginal plan. I don[t think I have posted about it, but Jeff's grandpa, GP, is really sick with heart stuff and cancer. It is not looking good. Jeff is really sad. So am I.

My uncle has cancer flare up again in his lymphnodes. That is certainly not good at all. I feel so sorry for them because my aunt has cancer too.

My cousin Kevin left today for a mission trip to Poland and he is leading a team there. He is heavy on my heart for so many reasons...keeep all these in your prayers please....and also

the crazy crash in Minnesota is unbelievable. I hope the death toll stays low because I was ceratinly expecting it to be much higher than I last heard it to be. I know so many people up that direction, it was scary. As far as I know everyone I know (and everyone they know) is okay.

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