Saturday, August 25, 2007

Today's random happenings!

I hope to be able to post pictures again soon. We lost all the ones that I hadn't transfered to the external hardrive and I don't think we've put any new ones on the new sad! OH well. There are several cute ones of the two of them together and individually. I just need to do it!
I didn't post about Mother's Day Out and I was so excited about it...this past week was just a whirlwind. Volleyball has been really stressful and this past week was a busy week with it. I hope it gets a lot less stressful for me...but even more, I hope it gets less stressful on my family! Anyway, back to MDO...I love it. I was really worried about changing the kids to a new place but they have adjusted wonderfully and Jackson likes Miss Nadiene and is in Emma's class which is nice. The first second he saw her, he ran up to her and gave her a hug. It was funny because I don't think she'd even noticed him or turned around to see who it was that was hugging was funny! He calls Miss Nadiene "ih naeen"...I love it!

Creighton did really well the first day and although a bit more fussy the next day she took a 2 hour nap that day...can't complain there that is WAYYY more than she naps at home. I like her teacher too.

Creighton is doing a bit better at night now although still not perfect. I am getting a bit more sleep now though which is nice. Now if I can just get them both to sleep through the night in their own beds on the same night0--that might just be a miracle...but one I am willing to wait for.

Creighton is taking lots more steps but she's definitely not walking yet. She is way too fast at crawling. She is super sweet. She has found her baby dolls (the two we have) adn loves to kiss on them. She is smart! She is saying Mama, Dada, bye bye, hi, and baby now. I think she says a few more things but I haven't quite figured out exactly what it is yet. She is getting so big! Her hair is getting longer too and it makes her look totally different. I can't wait to put it in pigtails!

Jackson is all boy, all the time! I love it most of the time. I have two very athletic kids in that they both love to climb on everything! Jackson's of course are a bit more dangerous and higher than C's at the moment. He is super smart and really into anything electronic/mechanical...anythign that requires him to "figure it out"--how to push buttons, how to make it work, how to make something happen...he's allover it! I love it. There isn't much he can't eventually figure out. He knows how to make the MP3 player on my phone work---I barely know how and certainly didn't teach him. He dances to the songs when he gets them to come on and it is hysterical! He is certainly all white boy if you get my drift. He is saying lots and lots of things now and forming sentences (not really long ones yet though). I can understand most of what comes out of his mouth when he is talking to me...but sometimes he is carrying on a conversation with noone and I can't understand a word of is like mumbles and/or another language...weird....but he acts like he knows what he is saying :) and I gues that's all that matters.

Creighton is going nuts I have to go...:)

1 comment:

Angel said...

it is so awsome to see the daily changes in children. even though they may be overwelming at times, the good so outweighs the bad. your kids are great