Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Okay, so Monday was INSANE and I didn't have the opportunity to blog about it, but I will now. We had a game that was scheduled at 5 for Freshman, 6 for JV and 7 for Varsity in Edmond North (which is about 3 hours away from Bartlesville). We are suppose to leave at 1 o'clock but the Head Coach's sub didn't show up on time, so we were late getting started. But once we did get on the road, everything seemed fine. We get about an hour and 45 minutes down towards OKC and the bus breaks down. As in it literally just STOPPED on the road and wouldn't start. Thankfully we were going about 70 miles an hour so it gave him about 300 yards to try to get the bus off the road before it just wouldn't go another inch. We were inches from the right lane and on a turnpike where most cars and semis are going at least 75 if not 90. They were narrowly missing us everytime they'd pass. We were stuck between two bridges on about 60 yard stretch of half shoulder. (Need I remind you that we had 3 coaches and 34 players on a SCHOOL YELLOW BUS). There was no water, no food (unless you brought your own) no air conditioning and 37 hot bodies needing to pee, change out of hot jeans/pants/school clothes.
They called the bus barn and they said they'd send a bus. The bus didn't show up till 5:47! We sat on the side of the road for an eternity. Oh yeah, didn't remember to mention up there, but I had a huge clogged milk duct in my breast and was way due for a pumping right about the time we broke down...(with no electricity) and no baby. That is another story...
In the mean time, the girls were great and didn't complain too much. Some of the parents that were on the way to the game stopped by and took some of the girls back, so after about an hour or so we were down to 24 players. Really...they took all the upper classmen and left ALL of the freshmen and a 2 sophomores.
Then the state trooper comes up with lights all flashing (after we'd been sitting for an hour and 45 minutes) and told us we needed to be evacuated from the bus "immediately"...did he forget the part that we'd already been sitting for almost 2 hours. It seemed that up ahead a power line fell and started a fire and we were unsafe (as if we were really safe without the fire because of how and where the bus broke down).
So, one parent who had been with us the whole time, packed 10 of us in her car like sardines LITERALLY and took us to McDonalds about 10 minutes up from the breakdown and the rest of the girls and the rest of the coaches were waiting on city/state vehicles to evacuate them from the site. Well there weren't enough adults or coaches to go around so some of the vehicles only had girls (need I remind you all 15-16 years old) in them. When they get to the McDonalds they inform me that their "driver" had porn in his truck adn they were really terrified and nervous and scared (who wouldn't be?!). SO that is great! All of them finally make it, except for the head coach who is still back at the bus waiting on the tow truck to come. This is about 5:10 when they all show up. About 5:30 the head coach comes in the trooper car and the bus shows up shortly afterward and we all pile on to HEAD TO BARTLESVILLE...yes, after all that we didn't even go to Edmond, we just turned around and went home! We got home at 8:20ish or so. So, that was insane!

We won tonight. We had a home match against Collinsville and it went well. We beat them in two games and I got ALL of my girls in--all 15 of them! That is a lot of players to play if you don't knwo anything about volleyball because only 6 can be on the court at any given time. Certainly not all equal, but fair! I was so proud! We are now 1-2 record on the season...and part of me is glad we didn't make it to Edmond North, because they are good (3rd in the state) and I have a feeling our record wouldn't look nearly that good had we played.
Anyway, that is my crazy volleyball story for now! I probably left out some details but that is good enough


Maria said...

Your bus story almost reminds me of my own breakdown experience in high school. We were going to a meet about an hour and a half away, and our bus broke down. Fortunately our bus company called the other school's company (we were closer to their school than ours), and they sent us relief, but not until after all of us had to share body heat and blankets to stay warm (thank you Minnesota winter), and our coaches rode with some stranger to a near by phone (this was pre-nice handy little cell phones).

Anyway-- glad you made it ok, and I hope that duct is better!

Angel said...

wow. thank God for cell phones and portable breast pumps. hope you were able to get relief- that is the worst. and congrats on winning against collinsville. you are talented to get all the girls to rotate and win. what a leader!!!!