This was the best there was, and I know it isn't good, but you can see us all in PINK! :) I normally don't wear pink, but Jeff said since he had to, so did I, and that because it was pink for him, it had to be a dress for me too :)...oh well. *don't you just love the name tag ;/

This isn't the greatest family pic, but it is the one that shows the "cool" new walls of our children's ministry hallway. I liked the green and the orange was new today along with the furry-
ness behind us. Not sure what I think of the yellow furry, but oh well.

This picture of Jeff and Jackson is SO cute! I love it! They matched down to the brown shoes :)

I LOVE IT! They crack me up...

We had just gotten out of the shower and so their hair is still wet...oh well. We were rushing a bit this morning.
Then after church we went to my Uncle Les' family Easter celebration. It was at my cousin Jenni's house and it was a lot of fun. My parents are still in Houston with my grandma and the rest of the family. So, instead of being alone we trekked down there and crashed their party. Lunch was really good and it was so good to see my cousins that I hardly ever get to see (one lives in Chicago and one lives in Tennessee).
We had an Easter egg hunt in the backyard and this is how my kids spent it. Jackson set his basket down and went to look for eggs (sans basket). He found one and it went like this: [open egg up] "No jerry beeens" [drop egg] and runs to the swing...not caring ONE bit about the rest of the hunt or the eggs or anything else but the swing.

Creighton never even pretended to care about the hunt, but rather, only the baby in her arms and the dogs behind the fence. She cried and cried when I told her it was time to go inside...of course after the other kids had been in for like 10 minutes already with baskets full of eggs, and she had none!...but really didn't even notice either.

I am not really sad about that though. I think it is funny. They opened 3, yes THREE,
Easter baskets full of stuff last night. (Thanks to all of our
Grammies and Papaws)...They got eggs and books and stickers and pails and shovels and bath accessories and swimsuits and fruit snacks and candy, and lots of other random things :)...they LOVED it all!
Happy Easter everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful time with family! I have more to post of my weekend in Houston, but figured today is about LIFE and not death and so I will save those for another time. But I am back home now and everything is as good as it can be :)
love love love!!
I can't wrap my mind around what that wall looks like - or even where it is. It will be interesting to see when we are in town this summer.
Glad you had a nice easter. Your family looks great!
Becky--its the wall behind the childrens desk that is green and the orange is the hall that had the intern boards (where the library and childrens resource room is)...its a little "different" and lots of complaining and such as come of it..like i said...i liked the green and the orange will grow on me, but I really don't like the yellow fuzzy shapes (where the david casselberry pictures used to be)
Your children are just gorgeous! I am glad you had a great Easter with your family and are back in town safely!
That last comment was mine- - -not Kayla's. Be glad your kids aren't old enough to be on the computer yet!! LOL :)
I am liking the fun colors in the children's area. I hope not too many people are complaining. I do look a little sick standing at the hostess desk now though. ):
Anywhoo...cute photos of the fam. Jeff is man enough to wear pink, I'm impressed. Glad you're home. Hope you're doing well.
I think that is funny that Jackson and Creighton did not care about the eggs. Cooper loved them !!
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