I am sad we didn't get a pic like last years' family monkey faces picture. But we bought a year family membership so we'll have plenty of opportunity (hopefully) to get those throughout the year...here is a brief flash back pic from
last year's trip and then a recap in photos of some of our day. It was really great! We were all exhausted after a long day by the time it was over. My dad got to join us and that was a real treat!

Ready to start the day! I was so proud of myself for putting glasses, hats AND sunscreen on them. They did okay about wearing the hats most of the day, but the shades didn't last at all...oh well! Neither really did the stroller...but I guess they were in and out throughout the day...

A fun re-enactment of last year (well, kind of)

Last year....Creighton was only 7 months old! My, my, my how they change so fast!

Jeff took some really great shots of some of the animals...

The flamingos were really stunning...its amazing the way they balance...

The tiger was growling and roaring continuously and you could hear him throughout the park!

Um...yeah...he was yawning, but lets talk about scary. He was so funny just relaxing there with his leg crossed over and just playing with the rope...until he yawned and we quickly snapped it...I didn't get out of the way fast enough though and you can see my reflection...sorry. The monkeys are ALWAYS my favorite at the zoo.

Apparently Jackson agrees with me. He really enjoyed them too!

This little guy was SO cute. He was only a year old. It was the second of two babies born within a few months of one another (2 different moms) but the first monkey babies born in like 16 years at the zoo. They were precious. A.dor.a.ble! (not a great picture...the windows were so thick and very dirty and lots of finger prints)

Aren't they
SOOOOO cute in their matching shirts!?!?! Love it.

I think Jackson's favorite part of the Zoo every time we go is the park...which we can go to lots of parks for free (I keep thinking this might change, but so far...no) I had a lot of fun with him though

She really liked the giraffes a lot. She kept pacing up and down the rails and would stop and stare and then move on again to another stopping spot.

This is over by the Giraffes. I like this picture....a lot!

We, of course, did the traditional ending pose on the tigers out front! They would NOT look at us at the same time for anything. This was the best one...

I don't know why I think its fun to have him kiss the tiger and then ROAR really loud while he does it...is that sick? Oh well...cheap
entertainment for mom and he laughs (after he jumps)....well and I knew I wanted to get it again this year!

Isn't he so sweet, precious...kissable?! :)

I can't believe he didn't fall asleep the WHOLE way home. His eyes were rolling back in his head the whole time but he never gave it up. He did sleep for over 2 hours when we got home though!

Creighton was out before we got past the gas station around the corner! She woke up when we pulled in the garage and then I nursed her back to sleep and she slept for about another hour! So that is a good nap for her.

We took naps when we got home (Jeff played
Nintendo) and then I made
eating well fish sticks and
twice baked potatoes...they were really yummy! Even Jackson loved them...I recommend them both! (I added bacon to my potatoes and a little more cheese to the middle, not just the top)
Sounds like a nice day. I was thinking about getting us a Zoo membership...
Oh, And generally, no Fridays off. Most holidays are Mondays...some fall randomly... our next one seems like it is forever away. IIRC, Memorial Day. :(
Great photos. I love seeing photos. Sounds like a fun day. I have a picture of Rachel and Parker both in their car seats on the way home from the zoo one day... they were both exhausted and zonked. The zoo is definitely worth it!
Looks like you had a fabulous day! Glad you had some relaxing, memory-making time!
Great pictures. My kids saw the pictures and they start yelling. . ."Can we go to the zoo???"
Great pictures. I love the comparisons to last year's trip and the carseat ones.
what fun!! great pics! your kids are growing so much!
great pictures. looks like a fun family traditon!
Love the pics!! You have a beautiful family!!! :) My son is named Jaxson! :) He just turned 2 in December!
We were at the Tulsa Zoo two weeks ago when we were visiting in OK. I have some pictures from our trip posted on my blog as well. I didn't realize we would need sunscreen and hats in February though, so we ended up a little sunburned. My 2 year old's favorite parts were the playground, train and carousel. She loved the flamingos too.
I love visiting the zoo! I live in Australia and a few week ago, I saw my first koala...Okay, I should tell you, I haven't always lived in Australia. I married an Aussie last year and now I live in Australia!
I hope you will visit me at The Chocolistas...the blog my sister-in-law and I keep...she's in Michigan and I'm in Australia. We blog about all things CHOCOLATE here:
I'm originally from Michigan. How did I end up in Australia? Last March I married an Aussie! He's a WONDERFUL man! I keep in touch with family and friends in America through my blog A Cup of Joy. If your interested in what life is like for an American in Australia stop by for a visit:
I'm a busy lady. I have three blogs! My third blog is Comfort Joy Designs where I post my challenges as a Daring Baker and display my handmade items. I love to sew and quilt and knit. My latest kick has been handmade pocket place mats. Have a look here:
Have a Happy Day!
I forgot to say (I think) that Jackson only wanted to play at the park and ride the carosel and train. We did the train but not the carosel because we ran out of time :)
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