Sunday, August 12, 2007

When it rains it pours....

Computer is kaput! i am so sad as there are many things I have wanted to blog about over the past week and haven't been able to. I am up at Jeff's work computer at the moment and I don't have long so I can't really write much. I have no idea if/when we will be able to get a new computer so this might be a pretty boring blog for a while. Things around our house are breaking like crazy. No air in the red car, no air in the house, dryer is broken, computer is broken, jeff's cell is seems like there is no end to the brokeness...and all somewhat expensive to really expensive things....ugh! Seriously...nothing else please....we start Jeff's school loan payments next month too...I can't handle the financial stress!


Maria said...

Financial stress is the worst! I feel for you, and I hope things stop breaking.

We are going through our own little "breaking" issue, but the most important seems to be fixed-- Kevin! That will relieve A TON of stress!

Talk to you soon!

A Place For Ministry Wives/A Place For Me said...

You poor thing! You are seriously living in "bummerville" right now! I'm so sorry all of that is happening. I, too, hate financial stress. It just stinks!

I am glad that you checked in with us, however. The library should have free internet, so come back and visit as soon as you can!

Angel said...

yuk. God is the potter- and you are the clay being molded. hang in there. you are strong and will get through it.