Monday, May 26, 2008


Okay, so I am not sure if I have been able to turn off my "mommy ears" the last two nights or if my daughter has, perhaps, actually learned how to sleep.

I hate the cry-it-out method, but people, it works. I have two kids that couldn't be more different in everything from looks to personality, and it is like magic. I must say I waited a LOT longer for Creighton (18 months) than with Jackson (10 months), but either way, it worked both times. It is one of the hardest things for me to just LISTEN as they wail and scream and cry and call out "mommmmmmyyyyyyyy". But for me I just had to get to "that" point where I was so miserable frustrated with them that I momentarily didn't care they were crying. I wasn't sure I'd ever get there with Creighton because it just tore me up inside to hear her cry. I am so glad I did though because she is a much happier kid (and a MUCH happier mommy) when she gets sleep!

Now that I have cursed myself to kingdom come by posting this on the blog, you can ALL laugh at me later when she isn't sleeping or something...

Happy Memorial Day Holiday...hope you and your families have an amazing time together! We might head down to the zoo... :) (Maria, want to go?)


Maria said...

Yes! We want to go! I was just trying to figure what we were going to do today... three days in a row with no daycare... Amari is getting bored with me! LOL!

As for sleep-- you have to do what works for you. I can't do it, but then again, Amari is actually a pretty good sleeper. He went from 7-2 last night and was cruising along after that until the thunder started bothering him around 430. I can live with one wake up...or even two... but that's about it. Oh, and that was in his own bed...alone. I'm not going to force him to stop co-sleeping, but I am only going in when he needs it. So far so good. Hopefully, I did not just jinx myself. LOL!

Vickie said...

just now catching up. we've had to do the cry out a few times because of Katie's different stages. I would love to say the first time was the hardest, but it is always hard! But, your right...when it's all you have left, it usually works and then everyone is better for it!