Friday, May 2, 2008


I have gotten up early the past two days (before the kids) and done my quiet time. There is a lot of wisdom in that I have found. It is a great way to start my day, even though I DESPISE getting up earlier than my kids (or up at all some days if I am honest). But it has been neat! I love it. I am trying to do it everyday...hopefully I will stay faithful to that. God has remained faithful to me to bless me each morning and to meet with me there!

My weaning of Creighton is going well. I have started with going down to only 3 times a day. (night, early morning (but not the up for the day waking), and nap time). She is doing pretty good with it. I sense a little bit of cranky (or a lot) baby after her nap (I usually had been nursing her when she woke up but now I am not). I have kept her pretty occupied during the day until lunch and then again after her nap till dinner. She is napping well and eating better. I can't say her sleeping habits have changed much, but hopefully they will soon!

I am doing well. Thanks friends for all the encouragement and love!

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