Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's Day

It is a GORGEOUS day today. I LOVE the weather. Its just perfect. I am anxiously awaiting for my luxury/fantasy weekend to begin tonight, but am enjoying my time with the kids today too. I can say that Satan has tried to nearly kill me (but instead has kept me on my knees) with thoughts of something happening to all three of the most important people in my life as they are together and I am away (here). Oh how scary, but I am trying not to get too figity about it....

Anyway, my friend Kara and her girls came over today and the kids had so much fun (and so did I) that Kara told me it was 1:45 and we hadn't had lunch yet! It was crazy....I thought itwas still like 12:30 or something...we had good times! :) We got the kids all fed and now mine are sleeping (and I hope hers too).

Happy Valentines Day!

Again, I owe my sweet husband a shout out for being so wonderful! He stayed a few extra minutes to help me pick up the house when Kara was going to come over! He is so wonderful I am so blessed and lucky! :0 Thanks baby

1 comment:

khowze said...

Yeah, yesterday was crazy, but alot of fun. The kids were just playing so nice and we had so much to talk about and the weather was great...I actually didn't even feel hungry (weird for me). Thanks for having us over. I worry like crazy when I am apart from my's natural, but it can't stop us from doing things without them. I don't think it ever stops either...