Thursday, February 7, 2008

Jackson's 1st official prayer

We pray with Jackson every night (and at most meals) and occasionally we'll ask him to pray which up until tonight he's always declined and announces who he'd like to hear pray....however, tonight this little man absolutely MELTED this mom's heart.

Jeff told him to pray and he said "otay"

We were holding hands and he closed his eyes and said:

"ear esses, [mumble] terrie feel better to go to pops house soon [mumble] [mumble] amen"

the [mumble] parts i have NO idea what he said, but the part in the middle and the part where he said dear jesus, just gave me chills and made me so joyful. it was awesome. he was so sweet!

ps. terrie (jeff's mom) has been really really sick and so he was praying she'd feel better (so he can go visit)