Tonight we went on a crazy rampage and made all sorts of things in the kitchen...the most of all a huge mess. But Jeff made shrimp and Crab Legs and peas and I made chicken and lemon bars and hush puppies (in the fryer that we got for a wedding gift that we have only used once before tonight). We probably made something else, but I can't remember. We just got the kitchen cleaned up for the most part anyway.
We went outside for a little bit today and it is crazy the ice! IT is so hard it looks like snow but it doesn't budge when you stand on it. It is several inches thick for sure and the temperature tonight is only suppose to get down to TWO DEGREES! Hello...that's freakin' cold ya know?! This TEXAN cannot handle those kind of degrees...I need double digits for sure and prefer them to be much much higher double digits.
I was giving Creighton a shower today because I was cold and she needed cleaned so I killed two birds with one stone. I think she likes her baths better but she didn't cry. They get so slippery n the shower though...It felt like my hip popped out of socket and i almost dropped her because I almost collapsed over with the pain! It was scary...thankfully Jeff was right there and he grabbed her from me till I could stand back up...the pain went away about as quickly as it came and it was fine but it was really weird.
I love Creighton's wrinkles...she is so fun. I am thankful for her today (and always of course). This is a semi-new picture of her all decked out in a "girlie" outfit. One of the few in her lifetime thus far...maybe the only one. She has tights on, a skirt, a very pink shirt and the CUTEST boots in the whole world!
I love the new pics. I am so glad you write this because it lets me keep up with you guys (since most of my free time is late at night).
I have been so sick for about two weeks but am getting better...we WILL catch up soon.
This kids are beautiful as the family picture in front of the tree. Hang in there...hope your power stays on!
love you,
Creighton looks so cute and so big! I know of a ton of indoor fun if you run out of ideas. Call it a benefit of growing up in Minnesota. LOL!
I wanted a girl so bad for the very reason that I could doll her up. Instead, the boy gets to look adorable...but no cute skirts for him. I do have a pink sweater that I am going to sneak in though when Kevin is out of town! LOL!
I can only slightly empathize with you on the weather as we have snow and I think it may have only been 0 degrees when I got up this morning... :) The ice is terrible though, I would take Minnesota weather to that any day. Your family is beautiful! I know what you are going through, mine aren't 16 months apart, but 19 isn't too different! And if you want to feel better about your situation, I am pregnant with #3, due in May! So, this one will be 21 months apart from Liam. I think Liam and Jackson aren't too far apart. I am very proud of you, you are doing great as a Mom. There is no better job in the world! Take care! Love, Amy
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